Jordan Ferrin

Patron of the World Through Music

As Musician, Composer, Educator

Post-Crowdfunding Campaign News

Good morning, everyone (and good evening to my friends in the UK and Europe).   I have a few things to write about regarding news and the near-future. The crowdfunding campaign may not have met its goal, but we still did very well.  So, without further ado:


Thank You

To all my backers: I'm infinitely grateful for you.  Seriously, I didn't think I would get so far in the first week.  But, I was confident in the rewards--music and travel are powerful things for everyone, after all--to the point where I thought I could reach out to influencers and potential new audiences.  Those results were not productive, unfortunately.  Still, the fact that I gained so much money in such a short amount of time left me floored, and I rode that optimism all the way to the end.  And at the end I also saw huge gains!  It was all so amazing.  Trust me: your generosity will yield something powerful, and profound, and which speaks to the greatest parts of our shared humanity.  I really believe that.  I'm glad you do, too!  


$2,405--and counting?

Actually, yes.  Believe it or not, I have had a few new "unofficial" backers support the project after the campaign ended officially!  Of course, there's nothing I can do about the funding goal through IndieGoGo anymore, but it was a nice gesture to have these people say they wanted to donate money (or additional money) "off the books."  

Be that as it may, I have just under $2,500 for the project.  This number, while not the goal needed, is going to be affected by the news I have for you.  


Recording Dates for Late August-Early September

The Storyband is continuing to rehearse, and I am continuing to schedule dates that work for everyone.  Right now, we're waiting on a confirmation by one of our people that will impact when we can record.  We're hoping to hear about that confirmation soon, and then we'll book the recording dates right away!  Details on all of that to come....


Gigs And Work Are Coming Back...And That's Good News For The Project

I have not had much work, of course.  Musically, or otherwise.  But since July I am starting to work more...musically and otherwise!  It is a blessing.  Honestly, even two months ago I did not know how much money I would be making....  So, with this work comes income, a portion of which I could set aside in the coming weeks.  This is income that, hopefully, will impact the project significantly.  So, as work picks up I'm hoping to get to that "minumum goal" of $3,000 I had set.  Remember: this goal will help make the album into a finished product!  PR and marketing will have to wait, though.  I cannot afford it for a while.  

That’s it for now! I’ll be in touch in the coming weeks. All the best,
