Jordan Ferrin

Patron of the World Through Music

As Musician, Composer, Educator

The Baked Potato, Thunderstorms, and a Baby

No; these aren’t a random combination building the plot for some quirky, dark new cartoon rated TV-MA. Yes; these have something in common. They defined the start of Summer.

My niece. MY NIECE. I have a niece…. How do you describe something beyond good? I have not known the essence of pure goodness like this for so long. Now, it’s there more profoundly than ever, because she’s so close. SO CLOSE. She’s Juniper. JUNIPER! JUNI! Aaaaaah, I seriously get all squealy and incomprehensible when I think about her. Even now! Perhaps, I always will. I kinda hope I always will. She, with two of my inspirations as parents, will also inspire me. I just know it. She’s doing it now—look at her!!! My heart is forever more joyful now that she’s in the world.

Juniper Elise Ferrin-Eoghan was born during a day of incredible clouds and thunderstorms. Just like her uncle. She was born on a day that rings in a new season. Just like her uncle.

Her uncle was taking in all of what this new Summer season was bringing. He was marvelling at clouds and lightning bolts off in the distance as he traveled about Southern California to a rehearsal and coffee with a new friend. He had no idea Juniper was coming, throughout all of this.

And he was still on such the high from his debut show at the world-famous Baked Potato!

The day before the Solstice, the Jordan Ferrin Storyband brought live storytelling and jazz to the Baked Potato. We played beautifully, the audience really took to the idea, and overall I could not have had it any other way. That is, until I was woken up two days later by a thunderclap, and walked out to mountain-like clouds and streaks like a wild artist across the sky. That is, until my brother called me the very next day at 2pm and asked, “So…how do you like being an uncle?”

Given everything to celebrate in my life right now, I love it above everything else.