Jordan Ferrin

Taking a Stand for Meaning in Life

As Musician, Composer, Educator


Current Location: Los Angeles, CA

Other Locations: London, UK

Genre(s): Jazz

Years active: 2011-2017, Los Angeles. 2018-2020, London.

2020-present, Los Angeles

Contact: Jordan Ferrin

A sax man makes his debut by taking an impressionistic trip around the world to unleash his creativity in new ways. It’s got that seeker kind of vibe the jazzbos of yore had when they were romping about in India.
— Chris Spector, Midwest Record: review of Tales of Transcendence

Short Bio

Jordan’s modern jazz represents much, much more. Spanning atmospheric to beat-driven sounds, it reflects his experiences traveling the world as a cruise ship musician. In fact, those experiences inspired The Jordan Ferrin Storyband in the first place. From The Baked Potato in Los Angeles to Kansas Smitty’s in London, this sax-player tells (literal) stories onstage, followed by their music. Storytelling and jazz combine into an experience with this overall message: meaning in life can be grown through cultivating awareness, understanding, compassion, and the interconnectedness of everyone and everything.

A native of Southern California, Jordan currently works extensively as a music educator for the Anaheim and Laguna Beach school districts, as well as for the Symphonic Jazz Orchestra. He also has a published research paper in Volume 4 of Jazz Research in Education and Practice entitled “Regarding Musical Understanding and Aural Learning from the Introduction of Audiation to Novice Jazz Students.”


Video and Audio

Live Performance of both the Story and the Music of Leaving New Zealand. The Baked Potato, Los Angeles, CA, 06/20/22. Ryan Pryor: piano. John Urban: bass. Jared Sachs: guitar. James Yoshizawa: drums.

Live at Oliver’s Jazz Bar, in Greenwich, London, May 2019. Jack Williams: piano. Adam Chinery: guitar. Genevieve O’Driscoll: bass. Jonathan Ward: drums

Filmed and recorded at Big City Studios, Granada Hills, CA, 2021. Ryan Pryor: piano. Jared Sachs: guitar. Zephyr Avalon: bass. Matthew Smith: drums. Videography: Matthew Purpura.


recent release

Artwork by Andrea Sena

Tales of Transcendence is Jordan’s first full-length album, and the debut of The Jordan Ferrin Storyband. After travelling the world for years, Los Angeles-based saxophonist Jordan Ferrin was ready to record an album of music written about the world. But, the music is just part of the overall experience. Each piece of original music is combined with the Storyband Travel Blog, featuring the full stories behind every piece of music recorded by the group.


Jordan-tenor sax

Ryan Pryor-keyboards, mixing, and mastering

Jared Sachs-guitar

Zephyr Avalon-bass

Matthew Smith-drums

Produced by Vardan Ovsepian. Recorded by Paul Tavenner at Big City Studios, Granada Hills, CA


“A sax man makes his debut by taking an impressionistic trip around the world to unleash his creativity in new ways. It’s got that seeker kind of vibe the jazzbos of yore had when they were romping about in India.”

-Chris Spector, Midwest Record: review of Tales of Transcendence

VoyageLA Magazine: Link to Full Article

Joe Domino, of Neon Jazz: Link to Full Interview

Simon Petermann, of Radio RaBe in Switzerland, Jazz Lovers Discovering Listening Secrets: Link to Full Interview




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